


Injury Prevention Solutions for Every Workforce.


Accurate Ergonomics is a Regional and National Network of Specialists: Healthcare Practitioners, Ergonomists, Health & Safety Specialists, Data Analysts, Behavior Change Experts, Trainers, Coaches, Graphic Design Team and Professional Photographers.

We offer Premier Services and Do-it-Yourself Solutions: Meaningful education and skills training, effective human and postural efficiency training, behavior-change coaching and ongoing support – All of which achieve truly remarkable positive results.

We Specialize in the Prevention of  Workplace Injuries:


Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) & Injuries

Soft-Tissue Injuries  •  Sprains & Strains

Repetitive Motion/Stress Injuries (RMIs/RSIs)

Slip, Trip & Fall Injuries

Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTDs)

Injuries derived from Static Postures, Use of Force & Overexertion



Our Solutions Solve the most Costly and

Challenging Issues Employers Face:


Healthcare, Treatment & Surgeries

Workers’ Compensation & Disability Costs

Aging Workforces  •  Absenteeism  •  Presenteeism  •  DART Days

Productivity Loss  •  Fatigue  •  Discomfort  •  Pain  •  MSD Injuries

Decreased Bottom-Line Profits  •  Budget Draining Soft-Tissue Injuries




Are you a visionary Leader that sees the need for prevention?

Tired of losing money every day to preventable injuries?

Do you want to see real positive behavior change in your workforce?

Are you in full compliance with Cal/OSHA’s IIPP & MIPP Regulations?

Do you need a solution around a task, process or piece of equipment?

Do you want to prevent MSDs & Injuries in a specific workgroup?

Looking for the best solutions to educate & train your entire workforce?


Accurate Ergonomics offers Premier Services and

Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Solutions.






Easy to Implement




Always Produces Positive Outcomes



Image result for healthy workforce


We Help Organizations Prevent the Preventable!


Call now to speak with a Team Accurate Ergonomics Specialist.

CA: 707-894-4544;  Toll Free: 1-866-950-3746, or Email info@aeonlinelearningacademy.com


Click here to read about why Prevention is critical for success.

Click here to see a list of Benefits.


Creating Efficient, Injury Free Workforces for Over 30 Years!