The POWER Program Course 530 – CL


Welcome to The P.O.W.E.R. Program!

Positive Outcomes in Wellness, Ergonomics and Risk™ 

This course is designed to be delivered classroom style. The instructor will need to draw from their supply of shipped course materials and distribute these during training. Utilize Course Workbooks or Individual Course Materials. Order additional course deliverables a minimum of 2 weeks in advance of delivering this training course.

1) Scroll to the Bottom of the Page to Access Your Course Content.

2) Click on the First Link to Begin the Course.

If you have completed part of the course (Green Status), click on the next link to continue.

3) Where Instructions are Included, Read them Prior to Starting the Module, Especially Module Five.

Good quality speakers are required to listen to course content.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Modules contain digital learning presentations.  The Copyright announcement will begin automatically and then pause.  Scroll up to read and follow the instructions, then click on the “Play” or “Next” button to begin the presentation.